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Why Socks 4 Souls Canada?
We are a primarily volunteer-based organization that believes that health, comfort, and dignity are a right for all people. We started out as a grassroots charity with this simple idea, get socks on the feet of unhoused people.
We have experienced explosive growth, exceeding our early goals tenfold. This was done through a hardworking team and a board whose bold strategic vision was combined with strong practical approaches in finding and executing on opportunities to secure and distribute socks to unhoused communities. Our board, and key members, embody strong functional diversity with wide-ranging experience, skill sets and strengths, from medical understanding to organizational growth.
And best of all, each member of this extraordinary team came into our growing organization with a strong passion for changing the lives of those less fortunate.
In short, we have:
- A talented and passionate board
- A reliable track record
- Fiscal stability
- Multiple streams of sock procurement
- A wide distribution network to provide socks for homeless people in most communities in Ontario. And every year that distribution network has further reach.
- A strong and passionate volunteer base of 400+ volunteers
Finally we recognize we have an obligation to educate and build awareness. We engage volunteers in the community to improve social awareness of the problem those in the unhoused community face.
We help the unhoused get back on their feet.
We work to educate the public through trusted medical and social knowledge.
We amplify messaging about how essential socks are for the health of unhoused people.
We gather and give out the comfort of new socks to our unhoused communities.
We offer choice in how people support us: through financial or product donations, volunteer services and strategic partnerships.